I open a door, then they open one. Some lead to rooms, small ones, ones I've seen before. Some to huge solar systems no one before us explored.
Chess. It is beautiful, until I can't find the exit door.
I open a door, then they open one. Some lead to rooms, small ones, ones I've seen before. Some to huge solar systems no one before us explored.
Chess. It is beautiful, until I can't find the exit door.
4 lights. Each pattern a microstate.
Entropy is the count of states similar to the one whose entropy we seek. This is low entropy, since there are only 2 like this (all on, or all off).
This is high entropy, since there are 8 like this (only 1 on or 1 off).
The log converts the count into the number of questions we need to ask the universe to determine which exact microstate a system is in, when we know its macrostate.
Viewed this way, the second law is a statement of mathematics.
If a light flips, the 2 low entropy microstates are more likely to transition into one of the other higher entropy ones, than vice versa.
The assumption is equi-transition, which is where physics comes in.
The first memories from childhood,
The last dream I had.
Is my mind in this world,
or is the world in my mind?
ring-a ring-a roses
a pocket full of poses
hye-sha hye-sha
they all fell down
Hello, world!